All you need to know about the annual performance review for employees and the company
The individual annual appraisal interview is a valuable business management tool. It provides an opportunity to review the assignments carried out with the employee, and to define objectives for the future. In this sense, it is part of a continuous improvement process. This follow-up appointment is a key moment for both the manager and the employee. It’s a place for exchange. According to Apec, for 64% of employees, the annual personal interview is an opportunity to discuss subjects that they cannot discuss during the rest of the year. quarksUp helps you prepare for this annual review with the employee.

3 key points to remember about the annual performance review :
Preparing for an annual performance review is essential for its success.
The annual performance review has many objectives: to review the year’s performance, motivate employees, set new objectives, boost careers…
This appointment is not compulsory, but is very useful for good skills management.
What is the purpose of the annual performance review?
An example of a successful annual performance review starts with careful preparation.
The manager must create a climate of trust conducive to exchange. It starts with a reminder of the company’s objectives and sets clear, specific and achievable personal goals for the employee.
Active listening is essential, enabling us to identify training needs, development wishes and any difficulties.
A joint action plan is drawn up for the following year. Finally, constructive feedback encourages continuous improvement and strengthens the relationship.
What is the purpose of the annual performance review?
The follow-up interview can be carried out every year, at the end or beginning of the year, or whenever the activity allows. It has multiple purposes.
1 – Taking stock of the past year
The annual performance review is an opportunity for feedback from both employee and manager. This is an opportunity to assess the employee’s performance. Has it achieved its objectives? The assessment concerns know-how and interpersonal skills. It allows the emergence of areas for improvement, to be taken into account the following year.
The employee also expresses his or her feelings. Does it have all the resources it needs to carry out its missions? What obstacles does it encounter?
The purpose of this assessment is quite simple: to understand the difficulties and find the tools to tackle them.
2 – Defining objectives
Once this assessment has been made, the next step is to define new objectives for the following year. They must be in line with the company’s overall strategy, and help improve productivity and profitability.
3 – Career management
The annual performance review provides an opportunity to take stock of an employee’s skills. What are his career plans for the future? What skills does he need to work on to achieve this? This is the time to discuss any training needs, to ensure skills development.
4 – Valuing work
The annual review with employees helps identify talent. It’s the perfect opportunity to congratulate top performers. Work can be rewarded through a raise or other means (promotion, bonus, additional responsibilities, etc.).
The objectives of an annual performance review
The annual performance review is a formidable personnel management tool. Its objectives are clear: exchange ideas to identify areas for improvement and boost performance.
This exchange is based on past events, but is undeniably forward-looking. Its purpose is to define objectives and action plans to achieve them. It aims to improve productivity for both the employee and the company.
Finally, one of the objectives of this annual meeting is to work on employee loyalty. By setting them objectives in line with the company’s strategy, now is the time to engage them. Mobilize, motivate… These are the challenges of this exchange.
Is the individual interview compulsory?
The French Labor Code does not require an annual appraisal interview. However, the Collective Bargaining Agreement may impose it within companies in the sector.
Even if it is not compulsory, the employer can ask for it to be set up. The employee is then obliged to attend. The annual appraisal process is regulated. The CHSCT and CE must be consulted.
Please note that it is forbidden to discuss private matters during this exchange. Employee representatives may be notified of any infringement of personal freedoms.
Good to know: information on the choice of valuation method
According to article L1222-3 of the French Labor Code[1], the employer must inform the employee of his assessment method.
For employees: How to prepare for a personal interview?
For the annual performance review to run smoothly, it needs to be carefully prepared.
The employee must therefore fill in the evaluation form or grid beforehand. He carries out a self-evaluation, based on facts. In this way, he can list his accomplished missions and analyze his figures. It can identify the obstacles encountered and the means needed to remove these barriers.
Before the appointment, the employee should consider his or her career development aspirations. What is his career plan? Does he need training to achieve this?
On the company side: How to conduct a personal interview?
To conduct an effective individual interview, it is essential to give the employee advance notice. The HR department can then set up an evaluation grid, covering major themes: strengths, areas for improvement, management, training, career development, etc.
What questions should I ask at an annual performance review? Here is a non-exhaustive list of points to explore:
- What assignments have you successfully completed this year?
- What difficulties have you encountered?
- What could be improved to help you in your role?
- What is your 5-year career plan?
- Do you have any training needs?
- Do you feel comfortable with the management style you use?
- Do you feel in tune with the company’s values?
QuarksUp, HRIS specialist, has developed a digital HR solution to keep track of employees. HR departments and managers benefit from an annual appraisal planning tool. Notifications are sent to participants to remind them of appointments.
quarksUp tools can also be used to create customized questionnaires, serving as a basis for discussion during individual interviews. The employee completes an online self-assessment.
Once the interview has been completed, the employee can view his or her objectives and follow the action plans. The HR department can manage training requests and skills (acquired or required). This tool also enables performance to be tracked according to defined objectives.
The individual interview should not be seen as a time of control, but rather as a constructive exchange for the future.
Good to know! quarksUp is an HRIS solution for managing the entire employee cycle.
Thanks to this HR tool, everything can be done online. As an HR manager, you’ll be in charge of all our employees’ digital activities. With its modular offer, quarksUp intervenes from recruitment to employee off-boarding.
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