Top 10 best practices for promoting employee well-being at work
Employee well-being is a major issue for companies.
Happy, fulfilled employees are more productive, more creative and more loyal to their company. They are also less prone to absenteeism and turnover.
Here are 10 best practices to promote employee well-being at work:
Providing a pleasant, comfortable working environment
Employees spend many hours a day in the workplace. So it’s important to provide them with a pleasant, comfortable working environment. This means comfortable, well-lit premises, adapted furniture and quality equipment. With the development of teleworking, it’s important to provide employees with suitable equipment. Financial and/or material assistance can be offered by the company to make the home a pleasant place to telework.
Promoting a good working atmosphere
The work atmosphere is an important factor in employee well-being. It’s important to create a positive, friendly atmosphere where employees feel at ease and can flourish. As for the work environment, the right atmosphere can be more difficult to create when telecommuting, and certain actions need to be taken to maintain the link with employees.
Encouraging communication and teamwork
Communication and teamwork are essential to the smooth running of a company. It’s important to encourage exchanges between employees and create opportunities for collaboration. Inter-team work is a good way of fostering communication, enabling exchanges, a better understanding of certain processes and the development of new skills.
Recognizing and valuing employees’ work
This can take the form of thanks, congratulations, bonuses or promotions. Many tools are available to HR to detect and measure employee work. One example is the annual appraisal, a privileged opportunity for employees and managers to discuss work accomplished and skills development.
Promoting work-life balance
It’s important to encourage employees’ work-life balance, for example by offering flexible working hours, the possibility of teleworking and sufficient paid leave.
Taking care of employees’ health
Employee health is a key factor in their well-being and performance at work.
Here are a few concrete actions that companies can take to look after their employees’ health:
- Set up awareness campaigns on the following themes: healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, etc.
- Providing access to occupational health services
- Set up Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to provide employees with psychological and social support in the event of personal difficulties.
Offer training and development opportunities
Training is an important investment for companies, enabling employees to develop their skills, learn new themes and feel valued.
Involving employees in the life of the company
To involve employees in the life of the company, it’s important to consult them on important decisions, setting up works councils or participating in collective projects.
Managing employee stress
Stress is a major factor in workplace ill-being. It’s important to take action to prevent stress and help employees manage it. It’s essential to assess your staff’s workload, and to schedule regular check-ups.
Communicating and providing the means to achieve objectives
Clear communication and the right tools for employees are important. At quarksUp, we support several hundred companies in developing employee commitment through essential actions such as training, e-Learning and streamlining internal processes. Employees in every company need tools, support and training to help them evolve within the organization.
In conclusion, employee well-being is an investment for companies. By taking steps to promote employee well-being, a company can improve its performance and competitiveness.
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