What are the contents of a personnel file?
The personnel file is a record of all important information concerning an employee’s working life with the company. Also known as the “employee file”, it can take either paper or digital form. There is no legal obligation to keep it, but it is essential for efficient personnel management. It is generally set up during the hiring phase. What documents are included in the personnel file? quarksUp invites you to discover the contents of this work file.

What documents and information are included in the personnel file?
The contents of the personnel file can be grouped into various categories.
1 – Documents relating to the employee’s identity
- last name, first name ;
- date of birth ;
- telephone number and postal address ;
- identity card or residence permit ;
- social security certificate ;
- emergency contact.
2 – Documents required for employment
The hiring file includes all documents relating to the recruitment process, as well as the administrative documents needed to integrate the new employee into the company. They are described in more detail below.
3 – Payroll documents
To prepare payroll correctly, the HR department needs certain essential information:
- RIB ;
- vacation requests ;
- sick leave ;
- down payment request ;
- expense receipts ;
- hours tracked ;
- contract amendments with salary increases and targets.
4 – Career management documents
- annual performance review ;
- training requests ;
- training courses ;
- target monitoring.
5 – Disciplinary documents
The HR department must keep a record of any sanctions imposed: warning, reprimand, layoff, demotion, etc.
6 – Employee departure documents
- letter of resignation or dismissal ;
- redundancy procedure documents ;
- balance of accounts ;
- certificate of employment ;
- Pôle Emploi certificate.
Information prohibited in the employee file
Although not required by law to exist, the HR personnel file must not contain certain data. The employee’s private life need not be included. It must never discriminate.
It must not evoke :
- ethnic origins ;
- political opinions ;
- religions practiced ;
- sexual orientation;
- union membership.
Did you know that? RGPD and personal data
Since the implementation of the RGPD, employees have had a right of access to their personal data. The company has one month in which to provide this information, once the request has been made.
What documents do I need to hire a new employee?
The HR personnel file is created at the time of hiring. The HR department then gathers all the documents relating to the employee’s application.
He gathers all the information needed to start his administrative career with the company:
- application form ;
- aptitude test results ;
- CV ;
- cover letter ;
- diplomas and certifications ;
- signed employment contract ;
- Déclaration Préalable à l’Embauche (DPAE) ;
- membership of the mutual insurance and provident scheme ;
- RIB ;
- identity card or work permit ;
- public transport pass (for partial reimbursement).
HR personnel files: how can you make them easier to manage?
Managing this personnel file requires real rigor and efficient organization. Once widely used, the paper file has given way to the digital directory, which has now been democratized in companies. This dematerialization of personnel files makes them easier and more secure to manage. It ensures greater data protection, in compliance with the RGPD.
quarksUp, the HRIS specialist, has developed an HR software package for all administrative personnel management. This digital tool brings all your data together in one place. HR personnel files are centralized, for optimum employee follow-up. This type of operation offers a number of advantages:
- greater data security;
- real-time communication with payroll (amendments to employment contracts, unpaid leave, sick leave, etc.);
- easier data updating (change of address, bank details, etc.).
Employees themselves can log on to this online platform to monitor their data. This tool enables HR reporting.
The digitization of companies has led to changes in personnel management systems. The dematerialized personnel file greatly facilitates the administrative follow-up of employees, reducing errors and ensuring greater confidentiality.
3 key points to remember:
- The paper HR personnel file has largely given way to the digital file;
- This directory is not legally binding. It should not include certain discriminating data;
- It is set up as soon as the employee is hired, and follows the employee throughout his or her career with the company.
Good to know! quarksUp is an HRIS solution for managing the entire employee cycle.
Thanks to this HR tool, everything can be done online. As an HR manager, you’ll be in charge of all our employees’ digital activities. With its modular offer, quarksUp intervenes from recruitment to employee off-boarding.
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